Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Book #46: Austenland by Shannon Hale

This was 100% a total chick-flick in novel form. It took me about 2 hours to read and I knew exactly what was going to happen the whole way through. But it was fun and enjoyable all the same. The main character loves Pride and Prejudice and eventually gets to go to a resort-type place where you live as Jane Austen characters did, in a giant fancy house with servants and the whole shebang. You have to act like it's 1816 and everyone else does as well, so Jane, the main character, feels really self-conscious a lot of the time knowing that everyone's really pretending or acting and everyone actually belongs in the modern world. This type of vacation sounds like it would be really fun to do with a group of girlfriends instead of by yourself, though.

Spoiler alert! In the end, Jane ends up falling in (real) love with the Mr. Darcy character and he falls in (real) love with her and goes back to New York with her. Not totally unexpected, but it was a fun read for how much time I spent with it.

Side note: the author is Mormon, and lives in South Jordan. I could tell she was, simply because all the kissing scenes end up just being kissing scenes with no mention of going any farther, which is a nice change from most books of this type.

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